For the past month, we have been working hard: things happened in January in our daily life as returning World Tourists.

Here we are, back in sedentary life, normal life – I don't like to say “real life” as we sometimes hear it, because for once, we were confronted with the reality of our planet, during our trip…

"So, was that good?" We have had this question often since our return. “Bah… uh… no?” are we tempted to respond ironically. Of course, our experience this year has been exceptional; but it is so hard to sum up in a few words! Sometimes so hard to share with people ... Anyway, we're still going to try to answer this question "So, was that good?" ; because we know you care about it!

Remember: a CE2-CM1 class followed us throughout our year around the world. They reviewed the videos and photos with their teacher, then emailed us with comments and questions about what they saw. In the program for the year, the teacher sometimes included our project in her lessons. In short, we asked them to take stock of this year of sharing, to tell us what they liked or disliked. If it's gray, you're depressed, this article is...

That's it, it's been a year since we left Millau on September 14, 2014! We have come a long way, seen beautiful places, met great people. We really have a beautiful planet.

On se rapproche peu à peu de vous ! On profite bien de ce retour en Europe et du confort qu’on y trouve. Et on commence à penser à… la suite !

That's it, it's back to Europe. And above all the happiness of finding your loved ones!

A month in Mongolia… and what a month! This country leaves us with great memories!

Where were we on May 14? Yes, we wrote this article on time, but Mongolian internet connections caused us to fall behind in publishing ...

That's it, it's been a month that we are in China and 7 months of travel in all. Small return on this last month ...

6 months ! Hey ... it looks like time is really speeding up. I have the impression that it was a few days ago that we were writing the report for the 5 months!

Already 5 months! Time flies faster and faster we would say!

This month was marked by the discovery of Asian routes. Thailand, first of all, the paradise of cycle tourism. Then Cambodia, and its incredibly flat roads, but its traffic just as incredible.

On December 14, we celebrated our first quarter spent traveling around the world, a quarter of our trip! (already!) Well, it must also be said that we have just left after a 3-week vacation in Istanbul and Bangkok. The figures will be very different from the last few months.

Our figures of the month! In total, we have traveled 3161 km since the start! That is 1661 kms for this 2nd month. We rode 26 days, for 5 days of rest (it may seem like a lot, but we sometimes did short days of around 40 km) We traveled the roads of Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, and there we is in Greece!

A quick summary in a few figures… – 1500 km covered by bike – 23 days of cycling and 5 days of rest – 3 countries: France, Monaco and Italy – 1 windy weather alert and 1 day of rain (the rest: sun!) – 3 campsites and 2 warmshower hosts – 0 punctures! 1 good cleaning of the bike (with the baby wipe, it works so well! Thanks Dave for the tip!) – 4 fill-ups of gas (from our stove) – Lots of animals…