That's it, we've been riding for over a week! Both it went super fast and at the same time it feels like it's been a long time since we left! Things have happened! Small assessment of the first week ...

I love the beaches. Especially when they are tall, beautiful, when the sand tells you: come sunbathe, watch the sun go down ... It's so romantic. The version we got on Tuesday night was slightly sportier. As we went to bed, we could already feel that the wind was picking up and that the night was going to be rough. But we never imagined what would happen next ...

Le suspens est à son comble, vous devez vous demander où nous en sommes, si nous sommes encore entiers. Mais commençons par le début ! Dimanche matin, le grand départ ! Après une dernière bonne douche chaude, nous nous préparons, nous et nos fidèles destriers. Verdic : 40,7kg pour mon vélo et 45,0kg pour son vélo (on s’attendais à pire 🙂 ). Départ de la maison rue Montplaisir vers 9h45 comme prévu. L’équipe du départ est là : Christian et Nicole (les parents de Thomas), Émilie (la soeur),…