Sedentary life takes too long :). We haven't been very active lately on the blog and for good reason: in a few months we hosted several conferences, Thomas found a new job and we moved to the other end of France!

For the past month, we have been working hard: things happened in January in our daily life as returning World Tourists.

Here we are, back in sedentary life, normal life – I don't like to say “real life” as we sometimes hear it, because for once, we were confronted with the reality of our planet, during our trip…

"So, was that good?" We have had this question often since our return. “Bah… uh… no?” are we tempted to respond ironically. Of course, our experience this year has been exceptional; but it is so hard to sum up in a few words! Sometimes so hard to share with people ... Anyway, we're still going to try to answer this question "So, was that good?" ; because we know you care about it!

YES, we are home, but NO this is not the end of the site. We still have plenty of things to tell you, those who have followed us; and lots of things to share, with those who would like to follow in our footsteps in this great cycling travel adventure. First of all, we would like to say a lot of BIG THANKS. OK, this is not the most exciting post, but you just can't imagine how heartfelt these Thanks come from. Without all these people, things ...

That's it, it's the last week ... Monday, October 5, we leave the Paris region. But who is this new roommate for the last week? It’s Régis, Thomas’s childhood friend! It's great to be with a boyfriend, it's a bit of a party and it keeps us from thinking too much about the end that is approaching.

Our return to France gives us a first return shock. After a year in a bubble where we only catch snippets of what is being said, finding your mother tongue everywhere around you is a bit harsh ...

Friday, September 18, luck does things well: we are in Constance, back in Germany, and that day is the opening of ... Oktoberfest!

That's it, it's back to Europe. And above all the happiness of finding your loved ones!