Sources d’inspiration

They inspired us, they made us dream, they helped us. They are still on the road or have already returned. Here are some links that are important to us!

Our cyclist friends:

  • Not so far : we met Kris and Amélie in Riga. They're going on the same journey as us ... but in the other direction! Return scheduled for June 2016.
  • Cyclomigrators : around the world on a recumbent bike. They impress us a little sometimes! Due to some concerns, they are on a break for the moment, but intend to get back on the road quickly.
  • Gatebourse : the blog of Daniel and Jeanine Bousseau, retired cyclists with whom we were able to ride a few days in Laos. Returned from Asia in April 2015 ... but they are back on the roads of Central America in early 2016!
  • A little bike in my head : a very nice family met on the Greek-Turkish border. We were lucky enough to be able to ride with them for a few days and they became friends. This great team traveled around the world for 11 months with their 2 children.
  • Patches released : one day in the park of the temples of Angkor, we see two cyclo bikes and we leave them a note; the contact was made! We then drove for 15 days with them in China. Returned in August 2015.
  • Two Bretons by bike : We never managed to ride together, but we did manage to share a few moments with them around the world. Returned in August 2015.
  • James vs World : we met James, this English scout from London, in the mountains of Laos. We shared 3 days on the road, and “the big hill"The hardest mountain we've ever had to climb (1200m vertical drop over 10kms). A good guy, that James!
  • In tandem for the father : a cyclo-philosophico-religious adventure of our two compatriots we met on the Turkish roads. Returned in June 2015.
  • Garthsontour : our first American “Warmshowers”. We can say that they inspired us a lot!
  • Solidream : three to five friends (including one from Millau), a little crazy, very adventurous and athletic. An explosive cocktail, and superb images taken over three years around the world. They released a film and a book about this adventure.
  • Going Slowly : a great trip, magnificent images, a couple a little geek (the site is too good) who are currently building their house solo. And on return, the edition of superb bicycle cookbook, Bike Camp Cook ! (available in PDF, handy for taking it to the other side of the world on the e-reader!)
bike camp cook

We tested: the recipes are very good!

  • Traveling by bike is not that complicated (or dangerous): some do it with children: ASIAmoved by bike or The Faurefives (trips made in 2013).
    There is also By 4 bike paths : they traveled the Asian roads in 2015 after South America at the end of 2014. Returned in June 2015
  • Planet.d, who made a beautiful DVD of their world tour ...
  • Drinkle : facebook group created in Paris to bring together cycle tourists around an aperitif. Nice meeting (wheelbeback, spadiness)!

General sites:

  • : The Cyclo Camping International association. They are the creators of the excellent Bicycle travel manual. Organize a cycling festival every January in January, and various meetings throughout the year. Their forum is also very often useful to us.
  • (previously Trip around the world): Site on travel around the world in general. And all a well supplied part on the bike trip.
  • Cycling About : a couple of Australians who are passionate about cycling who give a lot of general tips and info on the gear. Their videos are nice (watch out for their jingle, it fits easily in your head!)
  • Le braquet de la liberté : beaucoup de bons conseils et de belles expériences, un site super bien fait !
  • Cyclo-randonnée : site d’achat de matériel de cyclotourisme, très bien documenté. Julien, le boss, est toujours prêt à conseiller et le service est top. Du coup on est de bons clients, et quand on aime, on partage 🙂
  • Expemag et son superbe magazine “Carnets d’Aventures”, dont nous avons quelques exemplaires, donne plein de très bonnes infos. Le thème ? Le voyage sportif itinérant, sans moyen motorisé (à pied, à vélo, en kayak, en canoë, à ski, en cordée, en parapente, à cheval, etc.), dans la nature et avec bivouac.
  • Treasures of the world : general site that makes you travel! Its credo: a superb photo gallery per day to present a new destination.
  • Travel Tv : Facebook page made by travelers, for travelers!


Blogging is great, but the paper still retains its charm.

Here are some readings that we recommend.

The very first book we read. Very nice experience.


  • Solidream, the book, by Brian Mathé, Morgan Monchaud and Siphay Vera

It preceded the release of their film (end of 2014): the story in writing and in pictures of their 3-year adventure.


The last one we read before leaving. A notebook format (one notebook per country), very nice.

again on the road

EVERYTHING you need to know to cycle touring the world.


A great little “conversation” guide when you don't speak the same language as your interlocutors. Once again ... Thank you The backpacker ! It is very useful to us during the trip! I wouldn't say essential… but almost!