On lève le voile ! Ça y est, vous allez découvrir notre livre ! C’est un beau livre photo, mais pas seulement ; c’est une ode au voyage à vélo, une invitation au voyage lent, bien loin des circuits touristiques qu’on nous vend…

Here we are, back in sedentary life, normal life – I don't like to say “real life” as we sometimes hear it, because for once, we were confronted with the reality of our planet, during our trip…

"So, was that good?" We have had this question often since our return. “Bah… uh… no?” are we tempted to respond ironically. Of course, our experience this year has been exceptional; but it is so hard to sum up in a few words! Sometimes so hard to share with people ... Anyway, we're still going to try to answer this question "So, was that good?" ; because we know you care about it!

Last episode of 10 seconds a day! Thank you everyone for following us this year in this little video series which I hope has fulfilled its mission: to give a glimpse of what life can be like on a bike for a year around the world. Of course, I remain fond of all your reactions, now more than ever! I'm preparing a host of surprises for you, and your comments will influence me on the choices I'm making, so...

First week in France: The Meuse is empty, it's a bit depressing, and the aftershock of crossing the border undermines my morale... Fortunately, the Champagne vines are looming on the horizon! We find the friends in the Paris region who will ride with us to the outskirts of Paris, the same ones who accompanied us the first week, I named Erwann and Géraldine! — And because I know you like it, I stalled some BONUS cows!

First country of our Asian journey and above all… back in summer !!

That's it, we're crossing the border for real! The moment is not easy, but we are returning to France. After 12 months of being used to speaking French only among ourselves, the change is tough. At Macdo: “Hello, where can I … uh, do you have wall sockets to recharge the computer?” Unlimited lexicon mode - I don't search my words anymore!!!

YES, we are home, but NO this is not the end of the site. We still have plenty of things to tell you, those who have followed us; and lots of things to share, with those who would like to follow in our footsteps in this great cycling travel adventure. First of all, we would like to say a lot of BIG THANKS. OK, this is not the most exciting post, but you just can't imagine how heartfelt these Thanks come from. Without all these people, things ...

After crossing Germany from North to South, we couldn't resist the urge to take a short trip to the Alps. We end the week on September 19 with 15,000 km on the clock, on the shores of Lake Constance!