10 seconds a day S04E14
10 seconds a day S04E14
10 seconds a day S04E14
After crossing Germany from North to South, we couldn't resist the urge to take a short trip to the Alps. We end the week on September 19...
After crossing Germany from North to South, we couldn't resist the urge to take a short trip to the Alps. We end the week on September 19...
Dear all, because I hate the unfinished work I decided to restart the 10 seconds a day! Because you're nice, I'm going to broadcast two by ...
Intothewheel, the start! from kakounet on Vimeo.
New video ! Here is a small montage of our first 1000 km through France and Italy. Feel free to share the video!
10 seconds a day S01E02 from kakounet on Vimeo.
Second week cycling on the roads of France towards Istanbul. We crossed the border yesterday, we are now in Italy and we will only see France again in...