"So, was that good?" We have had this question often since our return. “Bah… uh… no?” are we tempted to respond ironically. Of course, our experience this year ...
For a week, we have been in the Vercors, for a gradual return to sedentary life and to prepare, among other things, a film on our entire cycling adventure through ...
That's it, it's the last week ... Monday, October 5, we leave the Paris region. But who is this new roommate for the last week? This is Régis, childhood friend of ...
Our return to France gives us a first return shock. After a year in a bubble where we only grasped snippets of what is being said, finding our language ...
That's it, real life is catching up with us little by little, we put down the bags. Return to sedentary life (or almost). But for you, it's not over ... the blog continues ...
That's it, THIS IS THE END. For real, we are going to go home, to settle into a normal life. Before that, we're going to party! We will cross the line ...
No, our silence lately isn't due to a deep depression / accident / death thing that kills. It's just that all of our computer stuff goes into a mess ...
Poland ! Spots of color outline the landscape, bathed in the warming sun. The yellow of the wheat fields, the green of the trees; the blue of so many ...
I remember an article I wrote at the beginning of the trip which was called “3 days in Montenegro”… It seems to us to be so recent and at the same time an eternity… We have lived…
We are gradually getting closer to you! We are enjoying this return to Europe and the comfort we find there. And we start to think about ... the rest ...
On June 24, we arrive in Moscow very early in the morning. We slowly discover the city by bike; a city that is just waking up. The opportunity to see the ...