This country has been a member of Europe since 2004, but does not use the Euro yet.

What is Littuania? OK, that name may vaguely ring a bell, but it must be said that it is one of the countries in Europe that we still don't know much about.

If, like us before, you did not know exactly where Latvia was on a map, this page is for you!

If, like us before, you did not know exactly where Latvia was on a map, this page is for you!

Russia, a country-continent, the land of extremes and diversity, whose influence was marked in the 20th century. This sheet is quite dense and maybe a bit complex for ...

Discover the photo exhibition accompanying the release of our book! To celebrate the publication of our book “See the world by bike, Why you will also like to leave”, we are offering an exhibition / sale ...

For the past month, we have been working hard: things happened in January in our daily life as returning World Tourists.

If, like us before, you did not know exactly where Latvia was on a map, this page is for you!

Here we are, back to sedentary life, normal life - I hate to say "real life" as you sometimes hear it, because so far, we've been there ...

"So, was that good?" We have had this question often since our return. “Bah… uh… no?” are we tempted to respond ironically. Of course, our experience this year ...

10 seconds a day S04E14

10 seconds a day S04E14

10 seconds a day S04E14

YES, we are home, but NO this is not the end of the site. We still have plenty of things to tell you, those who have followed us; and...

After crossing Germany from North to South, we couldn't resist the urge to take a short trip to the Alps. We end the week on September 19...

After crossing Germany from North to South, we couldn't resist the urge to take a short trip to the Alps. We end the week on September 19...

After crossing Germany from North to South, we couldn't resist the urge to take a short trip to the Alps. We end the week on September 19...

Dear all, because I hate the unfinished work I decided to restart the 10 seconds a day! Because you're nice, I'm going to broadcast two by ...

Remember: a class of CE2-CM1 followed us throughout our year around the world. They would watch the videos and photos with their teacher, then email us with ...