People everywhere, but superb landscapes and a generous welcome!

We left our host Marko Thursday, October 23, and Croatia after a few hours. After a stamp on our passports, we discover the country little by little...

People everywhere, but superb landscapes and a generous welcome!

We are coming to pizza country, kids! It is very hot here, even in September. It feels like people are singing instead of talking, and very loudly...

What did we prefer? The Kocula islands, without hesitation! But the rest of the country is really nice too.

What did we prefer? The Kocula islands, without hesitation! But the rest of the country is really nice too.

This week in brief: we crossed Italy from west to east, saw beautiful Tuscany, suffered our first nervous breakdowns.

We are coming to pizza country, kids! It is very hot here, even in September. It feels like people are singing instead of talking, and very loudly...

New video ! Here is a small montage of our first 1000 km through France and Italy. Feel free to share the video!

A little over a year ago, we were cycling on a Roman road, via Claudia Augusta, and Thomas asked me to marry him. For our honeymoon start...

A little over a year ago, we were cycling on a Roman road, via Claudia Augusta, and Thomas asked me to marry him. For our honeymoon start...

That's it we left France! But first, we have plenty of other things to tell you because we've been doing well lately.

Second week cycling on the roads of France towards Istanbul. We crossed the border yesterday, we are now in Italy and we will only see France again in...

Ca y est, ça fait plus d’une semaine qu’on roule ! A la fois c’est passé super vite et en même temps on a l’impression que ça fait longtemps qu’on est...

Notre première récap’ de la semaine ! Je vais faire des vidéos toutes les semaines en prenant un échantillon vidéo de 10 secondes par jour pour essayer de vous faire ressentir...

J’aime les plages. Surtout quand elles sont grandes, belles, que le sable te dit : viens bronzer, regarder le soleil se coucher… C’est tellement romantique. La version à laquelle on a...

Le suspens est à son comble, vous devez vous demander où nous en sommes, si nous sommes encore entiers. Mais commençons par le début ! Dimanche matin, le grand départ !...

La dernière semaine avant le départ a été bien chargée : après avoir rendu les clefs de notre appartement boulonnais lundi 8 septembre, nous avons filé en voiture direction Le Havre...